Marry Riana
Marry Riana Success does not come easily to merry, Born in jakarta,she was forced to migrate to singapore in 1998, to continue her studies at nanyang technological university,and to flee from indonesia,which was hit by the financial crisis and unrest at the time. Merry only armed with improvised, with a very limited amount of money, when she first arrived at singapore. To meet the cost of living and tuition, merry forced to own to the government of singapore. but apperently it was not enough , and merry had to struggle through college years with a very worrying Economic situation. To save , merry their daily lives with a very modest standard of living. Merry had to accustom his self to eat only bread , instant noodles, and sometimes even forced to not eat, because of financial circumstances don't support. In the midst of her struggle to study at NTU, which is famous with the standard of education and discipline are very high,merry still had to work part time as a divider f